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To list your share(s) simply click on the “Sell” link found on the header navigational bar. The listing process is split up into several main sections, notably:-

  • Category selection
  • Item Details
  • Auction Settings
  • Shipping and Payment
  • Listing preview
  • Listing confirmation

The listing process is developed in such a way that you are guided through every step seamlessly.

The first part of the process is to choose the category you wish to list your item in. The platform has been modified to provide only 1 category which is called Pride of Our Footscray Community Bar Shares.

Step two enables you to enter your item title and description, a full wysiwyg editor is in place to enable you to use HTML descriptions.

Moving on to step three, this is the biggest stage of the listing process. On this step you can set the following:-

· Auction type:-

Standard Auction

This is a single quantity auction

Dutch Auction

Dutch auction enables you to list a multiple quantity auction, for example if you have 3 shares to sell you can list all of these together in a single lot. Bidders will be able to select how many they wish to bid for.

· Currency:-

You can select your preferred auction currency using the drop down menu available

· Quantity:-

This field is only active if listing a Dutch auction, please see above for an explanation of this listing type

· Auction Starts At:-

This requires you to enter the minimum bid you are willing to accept, you can also set a reserve price to ensure you do not sell your share for this amount. Please see below for more information on this.

· Reserve Price:-

Enabling a reserve price effectively means you will not sell your share for less than the amount set, for example you can set the start price at $800 but only accept winning bids over $800, should a bid be placed for $799.99 the auction will close without a winner.

· Buy out (if available):-

Buy out allows you to set an amount you are willing to sell your share for – straight out. For example you can set the start price to $800 but offer interested parties the option to buy the item immediately for $900.

You can also list buy out only auctions, these auctions remove all bidding options meaning the share can only be purchased for a set amount. To set a buy out only auction you need to set the buy out value to be exactly equal with the start bid.

· Offer-Range (if available):-

You can set a price bracket in which you are willing to consider offers for your share, for example if you set the price brackets from $800 to $900 interested prospective shareholders (buyers) will be able to offer you an amount within these brackets, you can opt whether to accept or decline these offers at any time via the members area.

· Bid increment:-

This option can be used to set your own custom bid increment if preferred.

· Item featuring (if available):-

The following options are available to you, these will highlight your share(s) on site to ensure they reach more prospective shareholders (buyers):-

§ Home page featured

§ Category featured

§ Bold text

§ Highlighted background

· Set start/end time:-

You can either opt to list your share(s) right away and set a defined number of days for the auction to be live for or you also have the option to define your own custom start/end time.

· Private Auction:-

Private auction will hide the bidders identity on the item details page

· Image upload:-

To accompany your share(s) you can either upload images of your share(s) from your local computer or enter the URL of an image(s) hosted elsewhere

· Media upload:-

In addition to images you can also upload media files, please note only .avi/.mpeg/.mov are supported.

· Auto Re-List

For convenience you can opt to have your shares automatically re-listed for you, options are available to allow you to select whether the share(s) should be re-listed if sold and how many re-list attempts should be made.

On the next step you can set your shipping and payment preferences including your shipping rates and available methods of delivery. Please note that this option is not being used given the nature of the platform is for the buying and selling of shares in Pride Bar.

Proceeding on, you can then review the listing and make changes if required, please note you can still edit your listing once live via the members area.

The final step provides you with listing confirmation.
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